Tile Finder – How to Quickly Find Discontinued Ceramic Tiles

Are you trying to find ceramic tiles that have been discontinued?

If so then read on, this article will help you providing valuable tips on how to quickly become an effective tile finder.

If you have to replace a tile in your home somewhere for example in your bathroom or kitchen then unfortunately it may dawn on you quite quickly is that you have a problem.

You see even on further examination you will discover that even the most basic looking tile is absolutely unique and can be really to replace once the line has been discontinued.

The point of this article is to provide a number of steps that can help you locate any tiles you are trying to locate. I have also included a link at the bottom to a site that may help.

My Best Tile Finder Tip – Create and distribute a profile

1) Make a complete list of the attributes of the tile in question. You need to record everything, the size, thickness and colours.

2) Also pull together all the details of the outlet you purchased them from including the date of purchase.

3) Any extra information such as printing on boxes/cartons and even obscure markings on the reverse of a tile are also worth noting.

4) Finally take a photograph of the tile and load into your PC.

5) Now you have created your profile it is simply a matter of looking for tile sites online and sending it to them via their contact page.

Source by Jessica Hannah