Polishing and Sealing Grey Limestone Floor Tiles
This beautiful Grey Limestone tiled floor in the small village of Barton had been installed by a tile company but had not been treated in any way. The customer had been told by the tile shop that the stone in question would have to be sealed. After doing her own research and finding us at Tile Doctor I went to see what could be achieved.
Polishing a Limestone tiled floor
As the floor was new I was able to get straight into polishing the Limestone with a set of four diamond encrusted Burnishing pads fitted to a rotary floor machine. I started with a course burnishing pad lubricated with a little water and then this was followed by the medium, fine and very fine pads to achieve the desired effect giving the floor a quick rinse in-between each pad.
As you can see from the photographs going over the full floor with each pad I managed to achieve a great polish on the floor and it was soon ready to be sealed.
Sealing a Limestone tiled floor
After polishing, the only task remaining was to provide the floor with a durable seal that would protect the Limestone from staining. I did this by applying a couple of coats of Tile Doctor Ultra Seal, which is a premium, natural-look penetrating sealer that is specially designed to provide maximum stain protection from within.
Source: Limestone Tile and Stone Cleaning and Sealing Service in Yorkshire